Friday, April 25, 2008

7 lessons from a firework (written 2-07)

I haven’t always been left handed. In fact, I still get weirded out when I look down at the stub where my right hand used to be! Christmas vacation this year took me on a road trip to Mexico. Question: Where can you buy better quality fireworks than in Mexico? (Answer: anywhere.) On New Year’s Eve I lit a harmless looking firework at midnight, and a moment later I looked down and realized that my hand took the early bus back to heaven!

All joking aside, I have learned some powerful lessons through that experience. (Surprisingly, most of them have very little to do with firework safety!) Although what occurred was tragic, I believe what I have learned has made me a better person and will continue to bless the lives of many individuals.

1. Don’t buy fireworks in Mexico!

2. There are some things in life that we simply cannot control. (If I hadn’t blown off my hand, some other poor person would have.) It’s okay. As we let go of those things quickly and completely, we become free.

3. “Men are that they might have joy”! Life is good. Laughter heals. Life is funny. There are funny things that happen every day even in the worst of situations. Bad days make good stories. There is a time to laugh and a time to cry. It’s funny that laughter and tears come together so easily.

4. The atonement of Christ brings peace and healing “that surpass all understanding”. We come to know ourselves and we come to know God through our trials. We are surrounded by miracles. When we trade self pity for humility, our eyes are opened to see them.

5. There is so much life to live! Why waste time worrying and stressing about inconsequential things? Spend time doing what matters most—the things that bring the most light and joy to life. Enjoy the ride.

6. Challenges make us stronger and better. With creativity and patience, we are capable of much more than we ever imagined. Our perspective determines our reality. (There is nothing that quite compares with the feeling of accomplishment gained from flossing with one hand for the first time!)

7. We can always lift others, no matter how bad of a situation we are in. It is a divine gift. The only true and lasting joy comes from forgetting ourselves and lifting those around us through love and service.

I would never wish another person to lose their hand. But I hope my experiences and lessons make a difference in your life. Wahoo for the resurrection!!


sunshinemom said...

You are an amazing example to us all. We love you, not because you are weak and NEED it, but because of what you, with God's help have chosen to make of yourself!
Your favorite cheerleader,

Jake said...

Wahoo indeed!